
I thought I found the perfect guy,
one that knew how to treat me right.
But I forgot to hold on,
and now he’s gone.

I should have pushed harder for it to work,
but I didn’t and now I’m hurt.
I can’t remove his picture from my mind
I think about him all the time.

He meant everything to me,
and now we can’t be
I ruined it all,
I say as I slowly fall.

I miss the way it was with him,
and now the lights starting to dim.
Everything inside is dead.
I can’t get him out of my head.

I need him to survive.
He makes me feel so alive.
He has my everything,
and without him it’s just not the same.

When he told me good-bye,
all I could think of is why.
I hate having to act like it’s alright,
especially when all I do is cry at night.

I hate dwelling on my past,
and sitting here wondering why it didn’t last.
I wish I could be with him right now,
I should get over him but I can’t learn how.

I think about how it used to be and I smile.
I hoped he planed on staying a while,
but he left me alone and helpless,
and he knows it’s him I will miss.


You've been there for me through good times and bad times ♥


'Ain, engkau relaks je. ini dugaan hidup, apa yang engkau kena buat ialah tunggu & sabar. walaupun dia anggap engkau macam sampah, engkau kena terima kenyataan (haha babi) setelah berbulan-bulan engkau menunggu seseorang yang amat istimewa buat engkau. kesakitan itu terlalu pedih sampai tidak boleh mengatakan apa-apa (pehal nii) engkau anggap apa yang telah berlaku sebelum ini ianya semua sekadar rekaan semata-mata (tanak) engkau, sebagai seorang perempuan yang tabah (tipu nii) akan segalanya engkau kena banyak berdoa. senjata umat Islam ialah doa. doa itu ialah penting wahai 'Ain Kamilia 


Would you hug your ex again?
i miss 'LA' so muchhh

Why did you and your last ex break up?i dont know why :(

How many girlfriends or boyfriends did you actually love?
setia pada yang satu

Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?
yesss for the first time

If you could go back in time and change things, would you?
yes i miss 10.03.10 so much

Do you still love your ex?
yes i do! soooo baddd

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

If given a chance, would you like to have your ex back?
yesss! im waiting for him like almost a year gosh

Still Friends with your exs?
i guess not (demmit!)

Do You Like Anyone now?
nope but im still waiting for someone (imissus)


is it true that inai dah dijatuhkan telah menjadi haram mengikut hukum islam ? betul ke ? betul ke ? dammit i just searched it on google hmph i guess its hundred percent true omg taktau plak kan. but nevermind i dont know about the inai thingy-thing what the most important is i love to see this photo, memikat hati betul


just now, at school there are a few girls aka the rempiwtz bitches their nickname was created by me. i walked passed by them then suddenly im not satisfied at all at those bitches. usha panas sana sini, pergi matilah engkau siapa aku kisah apa betina. benda sekarang engkau jangan nak kurang ajar lah dekat sekolah. tak respect pengawas dan bagai, takde maruah doh aku tengok engkau. kain senteng bak datang, stocking sekolah seboleh boleh nak nampak buku lali kau. gently engkau first class dalam bab bab rempit ni lah. aku tulis sini tak bermaksud yang aku seorang yang pengecut kan ? 

engkau datang sekolah untuk apa ? apa gunanya engkau sekolah daripada umur engkau lima tahun ? apa sebab engkau bersekolah ? engkau sekolah bayar guna apa ? duit mak bapak engkau jugak kan ? aku sikit pun tak ambik peduli yang engkau ni pelakon, anak dato', anak tan sri, anak professor dan pelbagai apa yang penting engkau tak kacau hidup aku. yang dekat sekolah tadi tu baru sikit je tu, aku usha slek je tu. lepasni, aku taktaulah apa yang jadi pulak kan. engkau nak tampar aku ke, nak sepak aku ke, apa kisah. baru setahun aku kenal engkau, jangan nak tunjuk berlagak dekat sekolah yang engkau bajet cantik dan bagai. kepala pantat engkau aku kisah [astaghfirullah hal azim]

i found this quotes on google quite interesting for me 
hope you guys like it ;

 "Haters wanna play hard. I won't pretend to be mad. I'll just disregard you like my memory's bad"

"Don't hate me because I wasn't who you thought I was or who you wanted me to be. From start to finish you never knew the real me"

"I hate two faced people. It's hard to decide which face to slap first"

"They stare and make a fuss. One question : Jealous much ?"


okay yesterday was twenty-seventh of september twenty ten, i went to piah's house for arabic tuition. then around nine o'clock i arrived. i shout piah's name, 'safiyyah!' like million times theres no one answered. around fifteen minutes later, piah came out she said 'ain! harini takde kelas ana dah sent sms dekat your phone, phone mak enti, call number rumah takde siapa angkat' i replied, 'ana mana guna phone, ana check phone mak ana tadi takde pape pun'. piah fell silent.

piah invited me in, after that i got an idea the perfect idea ever eleh i asked her to teach me subject science which is my worst subject ever. i hate science a lot! pfftt then i forced myself to learn about science. piah dengan voluntaried nya bersusah payah nak ajar aku science haha she teached me chapter about energy i think, then she's a reason why i start to like about science. willing God after this i'll studies all the time.